“I started Pilates years ago to help with lower back pain. But, now I continue with Pilates to prepare for races! With Tina’s instruction and guidance, I’ve been able to build strength and increase flexibility. With each Session, I feel stronger and I’ve really been able to see the results in my muscle tone. Pilates exercises have been instrumental in my training for marathons and triathlons!”
“Countless hours in front of the computer at work left me with tense muscles and lower back pain. Through Pilates I was able to alleviate the pressure on my lower back by stretching the tightness out of my legs and strengthening my core.”
“I have been taking Pilates classes from Tina Wagner for the last six years. I began taking the classes because I was having extreme lower back pain and bursitis in my left hip. Since I began, I have not experienced any of these problems. The bursitis is no longer an issue and I am virtually pain free with my lower back. I can work longer hours outside gardening and the next morning I wake up with no pain or stiffness. It has certainly made my life easier and I can enjoy doing all of the physical things I had enjoyed before, now without the pain. I would recommend Pilates to anyone who has experienced the lower back pain problems. You will feel like a new person, I know I do!”
“After three pregnancies in four years, Pilates has given me the strength (mentally and physically!) to get back into shape again without worrying about injury. Pilates has helped me realign my body – I walk and stand straighter since I have started. Pilates will from now on always be a core part of my exercise program.”